The Art of Therapeutic Compression
The Art of Compression
The Art of precision and rhythmic Compression is truly a priceless possession in the massage arts.
Compression techniques, when accompanied with conscientious rhythm, fluidity and consistency, confidently fulfill a practitioner’s need for effective therapy.
Bodywork, Assisted Yoga and other serviced posturings, including Vedic Bodywork, Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Anma, TuiNa, successfully apply the Art of Compression with varying intensities and durations.
Find the Epicenter - Insert your Thumb Tack - Feel for the Grain of Rice
‘Discovering the Epicenter’, ’Inserting the Thumbtack’ and ‘Feeling for the Grain of Rice’ are craft metaphors which successfully describe aspects of compression techniques.
Insert the Thumbtack
The density of bone is comparable to the density of pine wood.
For all aspiring practitioners in the touch therapies to experience an accurate tactile sensation, a recommended experience is to securely insert several thumb tacks into a plank of pine wood while using the thumbs, the palms, the elbows, the knees or the heels.
Feel for the Grain of Rice
Fondly appreciated as metaphorical instructions, The Vedic Conservatory’s compression lessons also emphasize expressions such as ‘feeling for the grain of rice’ or ‘feeling for a mung bean’.
For example, if the palm is being used to compress and penetrate a bodily surface, then the palm will maintain the same search and focused intention as inserting a tack, finding the epicenter, or feeling for the grain of rice. If the knee is being used as the therapeutic tool of choice, or if the elbow’s notorious effectiveness is applying its desirable healing grace, the intentional focus for the thumb, the knee, the elbow or the heel effectively will remain the same ie ‘finding the epicenter’, ‘feeling for the grain of rice’ or ‘inserting the tack’.
The Art of Compression is Pure Medicine
The Art of Compression Therapy is also described as ‘piercing through’.
‘Piercing through’ precisely defines the methods and characteristics of an acupressure technique. For an aspiring practitioner to expediently achieve adept bodywork talent, ‘precision penetration’ and ‘entering into an epicenter’ are valuable educational suggestions.
The thumb is only one of the many bio-tools used in the tactile or touch therapies.
The fingers, palms, elbows, knees and feet are all excellent bio-tools used to achieve the ultimate satisfaction during a treatment.
Ayurvedic Anatomy
A variety of neurological regions upon the body, be they neural plexuses or marma/chakra biospheres, are interfacing with glandular and physiological regions. These regions become transformational opportunities.
In Ayurvedic anatomical terminologies, these regions incur names such as marmani (marma) centers, chakra vortices and nadi energetic channels. These bodily regions and their radiating auras offer welcoming invitations to incur very effective healing transformations. These bodily fields and their radiating auras frequently signal a request for healthful touch’s absolute attunement and modulating resonance.
Descend like a Mountain Sinking in the Ocean
Whether using either the thumb, the elbow, the knee or the foot, accurate depths and intensities of compression are the expression of a valued and accomplished therapist.
Float Into, Penetrate Through, Alight Upon but Never Fall Upon the Energetic Field
While also labeling a practitioner as being a lazy therapist, falling upon a bodily region is considered a misuse of gravity and is an unacceptable practice which could prove to be harmful.
The Noble Therapist
As good as gold, a skilled Therapist’s bodywork treatment is an ultimate offering and the bestowal of immeasurable healthful and healing benefits.
The Art of Compression, along with the noble practitioner’s intention of goodness, will naturally amplify the positive qualities of the session.
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