
Benefits and Cautions

Benefits and Cautions

In the healing arts, benefits and cautions are primary factors necessary for formulating conscious insightfulness and for creating a satisfying and successful treatment. Furthermore, in order to positively manipulate postures and open and clear blockages with discretion and prudence and to intelligently focus on and achieve the desired cautionary subtleties, determining and identifying benefits and cautions are an indispensable and imperative process for a professional therapist.
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There's Three Dignitaries Living in the Body's House

There's Three Dignitaries Living in the Body's House

Despite the needs of each of these three indwelling elemental energies, again, the receiver's soul, the receiver's ego and the receiver's nervous system, all emerging simultaneously onto the therapist's 'radar', the practitioner, in order to intervene the best possible effect for the receiver, must instantly animate an ultimate and effective beneficial expression of the most influential and necessary therapeutic method. 
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