QUIET TIME - What is The Quality of Your Therapeutic Presence?
*What is The Quality of Your Therapeutic Presence?
*Can Computers and Robots Heal?
*How to Achieve a Quality Presence in the Therapy Room.
I believe that a conscientious essence is required to decisively catalyze and consummate a curative intention in the therapy room.
Whether the eastern style of healing or the western style of healing is being personally represented, I feel that a kind sentience and a compassionate soul is the ultimate effectuating magic for securing a remedial objective.
Can Computers and Robots Heal?
Perhaps I am now taking the liberty of over-riding the knowledge of mechanistic science, notwithstanding how far short I fall of any scientific qualifications, yet i submit here an intuitive question:
Is the mysterious thaumaturgy, or the magical inducement of a wondrous, benevolent, charitable and sympathetic consciousness, the ultimate ingredient responsible for finalizing the decisive therapeutic intention?
Or in contrast, for example, can a computer or a machine accomplish the ultimate healing treatment?
We have witnessed surgeons using computers and robots from locations on the other side of the planet to affect a variety of remedial operations including heart, lung and other organ repair. Yet despite being so remotely removed on the other side of the planet and using a robotized computer, can we not still surmise that the surgeon’s caring and kind spirit will ultimately necessitate the concluding aspect of the healing inducement? Or shall we conclude that unattended robots are all that is needed to achieve the ultimate healing?
In the healings of various medical and therapeutic treatments, and despite using a variety of devices such as electrical and mechanical gismos and gadgets, bolsters, straps, extensors, thumpers, heat lamps, pulsators, vibrators, lasers, steam and analgesics and scalpels, I suggest that customary curing cannot achieve successful resolve without the practitioner’s inclusion of a conscious empathic sentience including loving awareness.
Applying various curative talents and operations such as pressures, trajectory angles and sustaining durations will ultimately require the inclusion of the therapist’s quality presence to conclusively provide the definitive remedial ingredient.
For example in the massage profession, the targeting of somatic and cerebral discomforts, imbalances and trigger points, including the therapeutic intention to positively affect muscular insertions and tendon origins, the western methods of bodywork, such as Swedish, Cranial Sacral, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Myofascial Release, Rolfing, Feldenkrais, and other massage styles, will ultimately require the quality of the therapist’s affirmative presence to conclusively provide the definitive remedial ingredient.
Robotic Routine versus Inspired Intention
I was invited by The Borgata Spa in Atlantic City, NJ to present a three day course in Vedic Table Massage. Upon arrival there, I was informed that the Spa ownership's most desired and important goal was to regain quality and reestablish a renewed and inspired staff because the entire massage team had become so dismally embedded in a lack-luster massage routine that the formally prestigious spa was loosing all kinds of revenue!
How to Achieve a Quality Presence in the Therapy Room
The vital experience of Quiet Time is of primary importance and an indispensability for a quality therapeutic presence.
In my opinion, there cannot be anything more valuable for an aspiring body working artist than to indulge each day, routinely and regularly, in an uninterruptible personal hour or two of absolute ‘Quiet Time’.
Either with or without the cardinal vestments of prayer, conscious breathing, a sanctified inner voice, reciting inner mantras, positive affirmations or simple vipassana sitting, a practitioner who is empowered with the refreshing blessing of Quiet Time’s bath of spiritual renewal, can then personally contribute to the session Quiet Time's organic and important expression of an animated and transcendent unified heart.
Beyond What?
Therapeutic assessments such as healthy and unhealthy, living and dying, male and female, youthing and aging, pleasure and pain, are, of course, so very valuable to include into a successful session’s assessment formula.
Yet equally, if not even more importantly, in my opinion, is to also introduce into the session’s therapeutic exchange the hallowed, transcendent presence of a sacred Deity or the presence of a divine blessing.
In contrast however, a practitioner who inadvertently brings to a session’s therapeutic intent the undesirable and unwanted 'monkey mind' reasoning of irrelevant dualities and the unnecessary and excessive mental logistics of polarizing opposites, characteristically common with the healing obsessions of loss and gain, happiness and distress, ease and disease, strong or weak, old and young, etc, while also being unfortunately unaware of the soul’s natural compassionate contribution of positive awareness and well being, is sadly prohibiting the potentials and miracles of the healing capability.
However, while it is of course quite therapeutically valuable for healthy client profiling and remedial assessments to conscientiously honor the energies of the polarizing opposites and dualities, a practitioner must never contaminate the pristine possibilities of quantum positive transformations by being oblivious to the soul’s vital and indispensable contributions of empathy and tenderness.
Each day, regularly and routinely,
Quiet Time Quiet Time Quiet Time.
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