Vedic Thai Bodywork
Futon style
3 day Workshop
15-17 Oct 2021
Hands on Class
21 CECs
Vedic Thai Bodywork
Futon style
3 day Workshop
15-17 Oct 2021
Hands on Class
21 CECs
Vedic Thai Bodywork is a wonderful addition to any yoga instructor's, holistic practitioner's, massage therapist's, or healer's skill set.
This sacred art provides increased peace of mind for the student's or client's experience while also increasing your income.
Developed techniques and theories which provide you with more then 2-hour treatment protocol including additional fundamental lessons in supine, side-lying, seated and prone positions.
Ayurvedic anatomical terminologies and familiarity with identifying marmani, chakra and Nadi channel bodily locations.
Please contact the host
Wilmington,NC 28401
8 am - 3 pm
Host Contact:
910 274 56 57 Andrea
Mukti Michael Buck’s book on 'Vedic Massage and Bodywork’ is a remarkable contribution to the field of East Asian Healing work. This book is much more than a teaching manual, although it is an excellent teaching manual. This book is an inspired treatise on the art of heart centered healing.
Contained in these pages is a depth of wisdom and technical expertise that can enhance the healing dynamics of a beginning student to a seasoned professional.
Mukti presents profound spiritual teachings as well as very practical advice.
His instructions and suggestions promote the safe and effective application of highly therapeutic techniques as well as serving to help create an environment for deep healing to occur.
Submitted by: Richard Gold Ph.D., L.Ac.
Author of ’Thai Massage, A Traditional Medicine Technique’
President and Executive Producer
Metta Mindfulness Music
Richard Gold Ph.D., L.Ac.
President and Executive Producer
Metta Mindfulness Music
"I am proud and honored to be a student with Mukti Michael Buck, he has truly inspired me, and his trainings have opened up doors for me that I would have never thought to open before. I will continue to train under him as long as I can. These training go hand in hand in the direction I'm headed with my studio. I'm also super excited to be able to offer these services to my clients again."
- Tony Tamburella
"Hello Mukti, just wanted to let you know that I have integrated some of the Vedic Thai table work and my clients have absolutely loved it! They can't wait to come back and have me do more...I was experiencing some transference of my client's "stuff" after the sessions and was so grateful to come across the Psychic disconnect essay. I will close my sessions with that now. Thank you so much. I feel a sense of renewed optimism and creativity in my bodywork again and am in LOVE and AWE with the work. Hope to study with you sometime next year. Blessings and Namaste."
- Carol Radke
"Mukti mastered a designer approach to clothed table techniques as early as the late 1980’s”.
- Virginia Grossman
“Mukti’s innovative and polished methods successfully induce the ultimate medicine of physical and emotional health”
- Sandy Rabolli
- Students
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