Urban Namaste Studio
Ft Lauderdale,FL
For massage therapists, yoga teachers, and health enthusiasts in all the healing fields.
918 NE 20th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Urban Namaste Studio
Ft Lauderdale,FL
For massage therapists, yoga teachers, and health enthusiasts in all the healing fields.
918 NE 20th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
21 CECs
Nationally Approved Continuing Education Courses
Manual Issued
VC Certificate Awarded
bring a friend
Well recognized and top-ranked Nationally Approved Continuing Education Courses in Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Bodywork for both professional and lay interests. Learn technical methods and well based theoretical applications for developing a skilled craft and an effective proficiency in the popular emerging field of Marma and Nadi Therapies.
Learn Ayurvedic Yoga Massage aka Traditional Thai Bodywork, Assisted Asanas and Marma Point Therapy.
"This is an excellent opportunity for yoga teachers who are interested in bettering their physical contact with their students. Thai Yoga gave me an understanding of energy exchange between a teacher and a student. My confidence was also boosted when entering a student's space, allowing me to give meaningful, appropriate adjustments."
This is a 3-day course, that offers 21 CECs. No previous yoga or massage experience is required for this course.
Please, let us know
''So much gratitude for this fabulous 3 day workshop in the healing art of Vedic Thai Massage! Thank you Mukti Michael Buck for transmitting the essence of this beautiful healing art with your unique blend of so much ease, grace, love and reverence mixed with risqué humour! I found the workshop healing on many levels and the physical complaint I had at the beginning is so much better now. So much gratitude to you and to our hosts and organisers Corinna Fisher and Amy Shine for bringing Mukti to Cork. I feel a bit bowled over at the moment, integrating all the goodness. So much packed into just a few days. And such a sense of community among all the participants too! I am very much looking forward to practicing and sharing this healing art and learning more. Sitting at the moment in a deep place, taking stock of the long journey, the difficult paths, the ups and downs, the teachers and teachings that have brought me to this point. I am indeed blessed. So much love to you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you . Absolutely Fabulous weekend ! Us Corkonians have been blessed :)
- Student, Ireland
2 APR 2017, 12:21
'My introduction to Vedic Thai and to Mukti was quite unexpected, yet gracious. The invitation was nothing less than an initiation into the lineage of this beautiful ancient healing art by a master teacher. Mukti brings a clear vision and purpose to this work while creating an environment of community and a multidimensional exploration of transformation. Mukti embodies the essence of the work and its transmission. I am grateful for his guidance and compassion. If you are ready to liberate yourself and bring your work to a whole new level of possibility, I highly recommend Mukti and the path of Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork.''
I'm grateful to every Person for his or her concern and un_concern for my path here.
I'm grateful for the possibility to practice this silent art, for the intuitive contact and for the support, Swami!
"Open the most vulnerable part of yourself because this trusting experience makes you stronger..
- Zach in Wisconsin; Student
15 SEP 2017, 14:42
''Following the rule “you can talk about your own experience only”, I’d like to share my impressions.
A week before the workshop, November 29th, the beginning of working out the details and of restructuring – the inner devils of some people and drunky monkeys of the others apprehend the “purge” and start their crazy “dance”.
As for me, these things were expressed by strange humor, sarcasm, irony, nervous laughing and blurred mind. The acceptance and the tracking of these feelings, the acceptance of this condition and loving and understanding people as well saved me from making the mess of things.
We were learning the art, the confidence, we were practicing and reinforcing our connection – because the art of ViTaY that united us – made the Family of all us.
These meetings, this atmosphere make us live the feeling from Bible - “We are all sisters and brothers”.
During this time, we don’t work with our bodies and our movements only – Souls touch each other through Bodies, Ego disappears, fullness and purification happen.
ViTaY for me is the art of Life, the interaction and the awareness of being, it’s learning and accepting, pure love and happiness.
-Veronika Savenok, Vladimir Russia; Student
15 SEP 2017, 14:42