Aug 4-6 , 2023
Thousands have now included in their repertoire the amazing methods of Vedic Thai Massage and Bodywork.
Aug 4-6 , 2023
Thousands have now included in their repertoire the amazing methods of Vedic Thai Massage and Bodywork.
discount 10% till June 1, 2023 ( use code chadds10 )
Vedic Bodywork is viewed as a martial art of healing and is reported to manifest instant positive results. Vedic Bodywork is the cultural result of several ethnic forces including Tibet, Thailand and India.
Vedic Bodywork receives the individual as a mandala, a sacred geometric design.
Composed of energetic channels, wheels, spheres and radiating fields, the Vedic Thai Yoga Bodywork or VTYB Practitioner views the presented being as a bio-electro-magnetic field of shakti-prakriti light and Nadi Channels, Chakra wheels, Marmani spheres, Koshas fields and Doshas vitalities.
To fulfill the promise of inspiring the soul and tranquilizing the body, a session may encompasses a duration of one to three hours. Yet brief and localized sessions are also customary.
Learn several Supine, Seated Applications for removing aches and discomforts
Learn Rejuvenating Procedures for Face, Legs, Back, Arms, Hands and Feet.
Massage Therapists, Yoga Enthusiasts, Martial Artists, Dancers, Personal Trainers, Chiropractors, Medical Professionals, Acupuncturists, Herbalists, Tai Chi Artists and All Healers and Folk Personalities,
Awesome Marma, Chakra and Nadi Health Applications await you!
Yoga Underground
1609 Baltimore Pike, suite 403 Chadds Ford PA 1934
8 am - 3 pm
Host Contact:
+1 484 356 4271 Danielle Lindner
Also, if you have any questions, please let us know...