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Delray Beach ,FL
What students say?

Josephine Mac Carthy
Student, Ireland 2018

Laura Allen
National Representative and Key Note Speaker for World Massage Festival Hall of Fame.
"Sunday was not only the high point of the Festival for me, I would have to say it was one of the high points of my entire massage career. I took a class in Thai on the Table from Mukti Michael Buck. It was the best hands-on class I have ever attended, and I have attended hundreds of hours of continuing education. Mukti is undoubtedly the most charismatic teacher on the planet. The bodywork was sensational. The whole class was in such a state of gratitude at the end of it, we were one big melting pot of thankfulness and grace. I would recommend it to anyone."

-Alyssa Berman
Mukti's course was not only enlightening and educational, it brought me to a new level of appreciation for the art of assisted asana and the power the hands (and feet) have over the body.