3 day Vedic Thai Workshop in Chaddsford, PA


22-24 March 2024

21 CECs

Thousands have now included in their repertoire the amazing methods of Vedic Thai Massage and Bodywork.

Classical and Contemporary lessons for adding new and empowering techniques.

Learn several Supine, Prone, Side Lying and Seated Applications for removing aches and discomforts.

Learn Rejuvenating Procedures for Face, Legs, Back, Arms, Hands and Feet.

Massage Therapists, Yoga Enthusiasts, Martial Artists, Dancers, Personal Trainers, Chiropractors, Medical Professionals, Acupuncturists, Herbalists, Tai Chi Artists and All Healers and Folk Personalities,

Awesome Marma, Chakra and Nadi Health Applications await you!